Sunday 13 March 2011


"Game Over Man" by torokun seen via Geek-Art

"Game Over" by Barn Bocock aka HtCRU / HtCRU

OK, I’m a bit blown away by the weird timing of this!? I literally just submitted my 6 colour pixel design “Game Over” to TeeFury on Friday 11th March and then today, Sunday 13th of March, I see this cool image by torokun on Geek-Art (in exactly the same ilk) called “Game Over Man”!? I’ve been sitting on and tweaking my image since last year so the timing is really spooky that I see it's "twin" now that has also been around since 2010 lol!

Awesome movie, great line! I guess it’s the “creative minds think alike” scenario as can be seen happening with other such pop culture images as the "Best Buddies" by Chris Wahl vs. "The Kessel Run" by James Hance. Odd coincidence, but I'm holding my hands up and stating no foul play from me (I'm going to email torokun now also).

Help torokun get his tee printed by going and offering critiques and support at Threadless here. Good luck to him! It’ll be dark soon, and they mostly come out at night… mostly…


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