"Monsters n Dames Book Art" by Brett Bean aka brettbbean |
One BIG Monday Monsters to end our January 2011. *RAWR!*
"Monsters n Dames Book Art" by Brett Bean aka brettbbean |
"Artist/animator Bruce Timm’s workspace circa 1997 (Scanned from Batman: Animated | Harper Collins | 1998)" seen via Hey Oscar Wilde! |
Illustration by Ryan Smith |
"Wonder Woman" by Dennis Budd aka DennisBudd seen via Time Travel and Rocket Powered Apes |
"Clone Wars Pre Vizsla Maquette" detailed helmet view from Gentle Giant Ltd |
"Clone Wars Pre Vizsla Maquette" whole statue view from Gentle Giant Ltd |
"Clone Wars Pre Vizsla Maquette" detailed side view from Gentle Giant Ltd |
Wolverine or Batman? Clever illustration by Olly Moss / Olly Moss Blog seen via HeroChan |
"Jedi Academy Training Manual Cover - Star Wars Roleplaying Game book" by Gonzalo Flores seen via Svaltsized D: |
"Knights of the Old Republic Cover – Star Wars Roleplaying Game" by Gonzalo Flores seen via Svaltsized D: |
"Scum and Villainy Cover - Star Wars Roleplaying Game" by Gonzalo Flores seen via Svaltsized D: |
Heavy Metal/SQPinc picture by Gonzalo Flores |
Conceptual design work for Paizo Publishing/Wizards of the Coast LLC by Gonzalo Flores |
Conceptual design work for Paizo Publishing/Wizards of the Coast LLC by Gonzalo Flores |
"Star Wars Funnies: Yoda" by Kevin Bolk aka kevinbolk |
"Jedi cookies" by Igor Krivonogov aka RockinAiki seen via pacalin |
"Silent Shadows" Andreas Rocha aka andreasrocha 1920x1200 wallpaper (click for full size) |
"TMNT DONATELLO HD WALLPAPER" by CapMoreno 1920x1200 wallpaper (click for full size) |
"God of War III" made in the pits of Hades! 1920x1200 wallpaper (click for full size) |
"No one left to play with" by patrickspens at shirt.woot! |
"Mass Effect 3 - Shepard" by Patryk Olejniczak aka patryk-garrett |
"Mass Effect 3 - Miranda" by Patryk Olejniczak aka patryk-garrett |
“United States Colonial Marine (U.S.C.M.)” by John Beauchemin coloured by Eric Orr |
“United States Colonial Marine (U.S.C.M.)” original inked version by John Beauchemin |